Technology | Best Green Eco Technology Ltd.

High-quality Molded Fiber Sauce Cup Mold

Molded fiber sauce cup mold to match with thermoformers.

Mold Advantages:

  • Solid and strong material with raw material qualified by international authority
  • Superior heat-induction functionality
  • Excellent performance in service life guarantee

Mold application:

Thermoformed into sauce cup (here with design: 4 oz, weight: 5 grams).

Main parameters of mold:

Item Material
Suction Mold Cast Aluminum
Heat Press Mold Solid Aluminum
Trimming and Punching Mold Solid Aluminum
Cavity Depending on the exact quantities within the platen size of the molder

Keywords: sauce cup mold   molded fiber sauce cup   molded pulp sauce cup mold

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